Saturday, January 15, 2011

What I've been up to...

So as you can see the crickets have been chirping on here the past few days. Meanwhile I've been busy starting physical therapy, getting kids to dentist appointments, and just in general doing those mom/homemaking/homeschooling things.

Katerina and I finally got to go see Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The new Chronicles of Narnia movie. We've been working through the entire series as a read aloud for school and I promised her we'd go see it as a field trip. We had a lot of fun! The movie theatre was completely empty except for us during the matinee. This was awesome because I could explain things to Katerina as she asked questions. The movie was really scary towards the end though so I'd be careful with young kids. Natalia was with us, of course, and she started crying a little so she ended up on my lap and was starting to fall asleep instead of watching.

Other things we've been doing is working on getting the house back into super clean mode. While it has been kept clean with our new chore system, there are still parts of deep cleaning that need to get done. I'm slowly working my way through the house. Last Friday I got the living room back to normal. This weekend I am working on the kitchen. Basically washing the fronts of cabinets and reorganizing the shelves.

Well I guess that's it for an update. See you all on Monday for Menu Plan Monday.

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